This is a topic I see come up somewhat often in various forums. There are many who feel if they don’t get every minute in every port advertised when they decided to book a specific cruise they are owed all sorts of compensation. However, those who read their cruise ticket contracts know that really the cruise line can change the entire itinerary with no obligations to the passengers. That said most cruise lines like to land somewhere between the two extremes depending on the circumstances.
Unless it is unsafe for any of many reasons to go to the scheduled ports that is where the cruise will most typically end up. Weather and political concerns are the two primary reasons for changes in itinerary. Of course it is possible mechanical problems with the ship can also lead to itinerary changes, but most frequently in these circumstances the cruise line does a lot to make good for the situation.
Weather is the one situation that comes up at the last minutes and can be stressful for the crew and passengers. These situations are outside the control of any human which is what adds to the stress in most cases because human nature is to put blame somewhere. Weather related itinerary changes generally lead to no special compensation and generally no extra cost in the event there are higher port fees, as the cruise line typically eats that extra cost.
Political situations on the other hand can be very problematic since they can pop up literally overnight and lead to very dangerous conditions for tourists. Egypt and other Middle East and Northern African Nations are among the places recently suffering from political unrest leading to tourist activity decreases. In these situations where possible the cruise line makes changes well in advance and tries to reasonably accommodate passenger concerns and problems related to these itinerary changes. When the changes occur well in advance of the cruise departure date some passengers are even allowed to reschedule with no penalties and when closer to the sail date cruise lines may offer special perks or on board credit to make up for the missed port.
Ultimately it is a case by case (cruise by cruise) basis where special accommodations are made to account for changes in plans. The cruise lines strive to deliver the itinerary and service level promised when they book someone onto a cruise but must be free to make changes to keep the cruise safe for everyone, passenger and crew alike. Thus, when you book a cruise you should know it is possible changes could occur, but also should know the cruise line is not out to change plans just for the fun of it.
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